
Agritourism Agritainment Creating Entertaining Spaces for the Agricultural Process

Agritourism, as it is defined most broadly, involves any agriculturally-based operation or activity that brings visitors to a farm or ranch. Agritourism includes a wide variety of activities, including buying produce direct from a farm stand, navigating a corn maze, picking fruit, feeding animals, fall festivals, touring a vineyard and the process of wine making, developing a unique story for the craft brewery world, or even staying at a B&B on a farm!  When they say “farm to table” Melton Design Group handles all the creativity in between!

AgritourismMelton Design Group specializes in “Agritainment,” for a wide range of agritourism projects. Melton Design group is well known for creating entertaining spaces for farm direct marketing and sustainable agriculture.  MDG has mastered unique interpretative panels that can be expressed in many forms to guide your guests through your agricultural process. We support all the interior functions of agritourism with creative pairing gardens, wedding venues, concert amphitheatres, and strolling paths that tell your story.

Melton Design Group is positioned in the heart of California’s agricultural hub and has successfully completed many projects that bring visitors from all over the world!

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